Ryan Kiedrowski
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
The World-Spectator
In 1923, the Annandale Ladies Circle was established, a group of women hailing from the Annandale School District just north of Redvers. As with many communities during that time, social clubs were an important way to strengthen ties with neighbours.
But the Annandale Ladies were different. Membership in the Circle meant far more than having a friend to confide in, they were a large part of the community fibre.
“In the early years, the ladies of the Annandale Circle contributed a great deal to the social life of the community,” Gail Sutter explained. “They had regular monthly meetings and planned and prepared for their fall bazaar, which was a huge money maker for the club.”
Money raised from those events would go towards buying materials that would be distributed among club members, who in turn made aprons, children’s clothing, pillowcases, and tablecloths to embroider. The war years also saw the Annandale Ladies sending handmade mitts, socks, and packages for the soldiers.
Sutter joined the group when she moved to the area in 1977 and was new to the community.
“As a young bride, I didn’t know anybody, and instantly I had a community that I belonged to,” she said. “So I met all the all the older women, the charter members, and then all the ladies on the farm and their children. It was a really nice social group for me.”
She recalls how many of the ladies were of the same age and stage of life with young children that were quickly growing up. The strong friendships also held a lot of humour as well, as Sutter comically referred to a slogan the Ladies used, ‘we don’t repeat gossip, so listen carefully the first time!’
There was also the famous Travelling Mug, which came into play whenever one of the members needed someone to share a coffee with. Each lady would take turns hosting the Travelling Mug, and it would be their responsibility to visit whomever needed the quick pick-me-up.
“I remember my turn to go for anybody in that month who was in need, had a new baby, was ill, or had a funeral or something in their family,” Sutter said. “I bundled up my little baby and off I went. But I dropped that mug out of the baby blanket, it fell and it crashed! Oh my goodness, that mug was probably 50 years old—I felt so bad!”
Special events where the Ladies served supper— like a funeral or wedding—meant breaking out the good china.
“There were no paper plates, we had little china plates and little tiny tea cups and a 100-cup coffee pot,” Sutter recalled. “It was really nice.”
Later years
In 1998, the Annandale Ladies Circle marked 75 years with a celebration held June 7 that brought 30 members to the celebration.
“I remember that it was a really nice afternoon,” Sutter reminisced. “There were memorabilia tables and lemonade. Everybody bought their dainties and hors d’oeuvres, we had a short program, and we told stories.”
Being part of the Annandale Ladies Circle was also somewhat of a family tradition, with some members able to trace women in their family back four generations to charter members.
By 2008, numbers began to decline with 20 members active in what then shifted to a social club. Another major shift was the membership fee, which rose from 50 cents (set at the club’s inception) to one dollar. The club continued for a few more years until Covid dealt a swift blow.
“Times have changed,” Sutter said. “It’s not as necessary for the young ladies, they all meet at the rink, and they’re busy, and everybody has fast cars that can get them out. But back then, we didn’t really go anywhere.”
This past summer, the decision was made to officially dissolve the Annandale Ladies Circle and donate whatever funds remained in the coffers. A charitable donation of $160 was given to the Redvers Cemetery Fund, marking the end of an era.