The Prince Albert Catholic School Division board received an updated on the process province’s new Provincial Education Plan during their regular meeting on Monday.
Director of Education Lorel Trumier they’re just starting to develop a new plan, but plenty of conversations are going on behind the scenes.
“We know it is setting the pathway for the next 10 years and it’s important that my board continues to be updated on the different elements that are occurring,” Trumier said.
The Provincial Education Plan Implementation Team has finished the process of establishing outcomes, measures and actions. As of right now the Education Council is assessing new goals and key areas of concern.
The plan was developed by the Provincial Education Council who first met in December, 2020 to discuss the development, implementation and governance of Saskatchewan’s next decade of learning.
The one-year interim plan will be in place since the 10-year plan is completed.
There are several planning partners involved including the Federation of Sovereign Indian Nations (FSIN), League of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents of Saskatchewan (LEADS), Metis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S) and the Gabriel Dumont Institute, Ministry of Education, Office of the Treaty Commissioner, Saskatchewan Association of School Business Officials (SASBO), Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA) and Saskatchewan Teachers Federation.
The province is currently operating under an interim plan for 2021-2022
The Interim Provincial Education Plan focuses on three key priorities, including additional reading supports for Grade 1 to 5 students.
Reading data will be collected from students in Grades 1 to 5. This will allow teachers to create specialized reading plans where needed that meet students at their individual skill levels.
The government says supportive learning opportunities for students whose education may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic is also a priority. High school students will be able to obtain credits through a variety of educational avenues, such as classes offered out of grade order, special project credits and online classes.
The third priority is mental health supports for students and staff as they return from a challenging year. This includes nearly $600,000, provided in the 2021-22 Budget, to support initiatives related to bullying prevention and promotion of positive mental health and student safety.
It also encompasses nearly $500,000 committed by the Government of Saskatchewan for Mental Health First Aid training to school divisions.
The draft interim priority plans will outline education policy at the provincial level, not at the classroom or school level, and will be implemented for the 2021-2022 school year. The interim plans are set to guide the system for the next year while the next PEP is completed.
The provincial-level plan was originally expected to be released in June 2021.
Using these three priorities, school divisions and participating First Nations education authorities will build their own plans in order to meet the unique needs of their students and schools.