Uko Akpanuko
Daily Herald
Local cadets are ready to square off with Emergency Services representatives from around Prince Albert at the second annual Hunger Games on Dec. 18.
The games will run from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the PAGC Urban Services Gym. The goal is to raise funds and food for the Prince Albert Food Bank.
“Last year was such a success. There was a little over $8,000 raised on the final count and we felt that was a real big boost for the Prince Albert Food Bank,” Rick Sanderson, PAGC Justice Director (First Nations Cadet Coordinator/Instructor) said. “It’s a good way for the cadets and kids to see people from different professions on a more personal level instead of interacting on the streets or different venues.”
The event is put together by the Prince Albert Division and the Sturgeon Lake Division of the First Nations Cadet Corps (FNCC). Since taking over, they have expanded the event to include police agencies, first responders and other organizations.
The cadets and emergency responders will compete in a number of athletic events to determine the Hunger Games champion. The list of events includes volleyball, planking, and a blind relay.
“Prince Albert Police Service, they are very busy but they do find time to join us in this kind of fund raiser, which is great,” Sanderson said. “Like I said before, the kids never get chance to interact with the police officers on a personal level and this is a great chance for them to maybe sit and talk with them and someday maybe be a police officer or a firefighter or work with Parkland Ambulance.”
The participating teams for the 2024 edition are the defending champions from Parkland Ambulance, First Nations Cadet Corps Sturgeon Lake Division, and First Nation Cadet Corps Prince Albert Division, along with federal corrections workers, Prince Albert firefighters, RCMP, Prince Albert Grand Council Executive(PAGC) Office, Prince Albert Police Service and local conservations officers.
The two major trophies to be won this year are the Christmas Spirit Award for the organization that raises the most funds and food items for the PA Food Bank. Last year’s winners were the First Nations Cadet Corps – Sturgeon Lake Division. The second trophy is the Hunger Games Competition Winner for Most Points Earned, which went to Parkland Ambulance.
The Hunger Games started in 1998
This event started back in 1998 when the original First Nations Cadet Corps in Saskatchewan held a fundraiser event where they challenged the local RCMP to a competition night. The Prince Albert Division and the Sturgeon Lake Division of the First Nations Cadet Corps (FNCC) have taken this on now and have expanded to include other groups.
Each organization participating is challenged to raise as many funds as possible or food items to give to the Food Bank for Distribution to needy families this holiday season.
Harold’s Family Foods have once again partnered with the organizers to create hampers for purchase to be provided to the food bank on behalf of that donor. The donor can identify which organization or team that they want these donor points to go towards to help them possibly win the Christmas Spirit Trophy this year.
The organizers also added that food item costs are estimated to determine points as such a dollar is one point.
Residents can pay with a credit card over the phone by calling Harold’s Family Foods, or pay by visiting the store in person.
Residents can purchase between six different hamper types, which range from $50 to $200 in value.