Jill Brown, a small business owner and farmer is running against longtime trustee Jaimie Smith-Windsor in Subdivision 3 in the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division.
Subdivision 3 represents Christopher Lake, Candle Lake, Meath Park and surrounding rural areas.
Brown, has children attending Meath Park School and has been a member of the School Community Council. She wants to advocate for rural issuesand said it’s the main reason she chose to run.
“I have been an advocate for several years about rural schools and our special needs and our uniqueness, and it just felt like it was time for me to step forward and do my best to make some real change and help out my community,” she said.
Brown and her parents are both graduates of Meath Park so she feels a great connection to the school.
“We have a history here and the roots run deep,” she said. “You care deeply about your home.”
Brown added that because she has children in school she is there virtually every day.
“I think because of that, I’m well aware of the issues and the challenges facing rural schools, and I’m willing to listen to what parents and teachers and administrators have to say and trying to help as best I can to advocate for them at the board level,” she explained.
Her goals, if elected match what her logic for becoming a candidate is.
“I think my goal is to be a voice for the rural students, parents, teachers and the community at large at the board level,” Brown said.
“I would like to see us move forward on rural issues. We are doing well but we can always improve and I want to ask questions and I want to get educated on many different topics regarding education and how can we help move forward as rural schools,” she added.
Brown explained that she understands there are always changes in the education system and many things to learn.
“I think this day and age there are so many more challenges. I think making sure that our schools are safe and everyone feels welcome and heard and important. That’s just as important as what’s being taught on the smartboard,” she said.
Brown concluded by explaining that it may be time for a new voice from Subdivision 3.
“I think that maybe the only thing that I just would like to emphasize is that it’s time for a change in our subdivision, and I’m hoping that I can be a voice for that change,” Brown said.
The Municipal and School Board elections are scheduled for Nov. 13.