Bring on the Lobster

From left to right, Justin Hayunga, Brian Bosomworth, Rick Switzer, Bob Twyver and John Doucette pose for a photo during the 2017 Rotary Club LobsterFest. -- Jason Kerr/Daily Herald

Prince Albert residents may have enjoyed an evening seafood, but the real winner was Project Triple Play.

On Saturday, the Prince Albert Rotary Club raised more than $30,000 for the project at their annual LobsterFest fundraiser.

The money will go towards renovating the baseball diamonds at Prime Minister’s Park in preparation for the 2018 Junior Men’s World Softball Championships. The Prince Albert SPCA will also receive funds from the event’s VIP table.

The final total will be even higher since the last few donations won’t come in until the end of the week. Overall, Rotary Club members say they’re pleased with the result.

“The community really stepped up to the plate to help us raise some money for Project Triple Play and the SPCA,” event chair and Rotary Club member Dave Fischl said. “It was just so nice to see the community and the businesses step up to the plate.”

This year’s event was sold out, as residents packed the Ches Leach lounge in the Art Hauser Centre for a helping of lobster, mussels and other seafood.

Rotary Club president John Doucette said the annual event is one of their most popular fundraisers, and this 2017 version was no exception.

For the rest of this story, please see the May 16 online or print edition of the Daily Herald.
