The North Central region saw 25 new cases added to its COVID caseload on Oct. 14 while 28 people remain in the hospital after contracting the virus.
Of the hospitalized people, five are in the ICU.
There are currently 368 actively infected people in the region and of those; 157 are in North Central 1 (seven new cases in the last 24 hours), 118 in Prince Albert (eight in the last 24 hours) and 94 in North Central 3 (10 in the last 24 hours).
Yesterday, 121 tests were done and 403 doses of vaccine administered, with 194 additional people now fully vaccinated.
All told, 51,482 residents of the region are now fully vaccinated, which equates to just over 58 per cent of the entire population.
Provincially as of Oct. 14, 315 new cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 73,350 reported cases
The new cases are located in the Far North West (12), Far North East (20), North West (60), North Central (25), North East (12), Saskatoon (72), Central West (2), Central East (26), Regina (29), South West (5), South Central (8) and South East (28) zones and 16 new cases have pending residence information
18 cases with pending residence information were reassigned to Far North West (from October 10 (1), October 12 (2)), Far North East (from October 9 (1)), North West (from September 12 (1)), North Central (from October 12 (3)), Saskatoon (from October 11 (1), October 12 (2)), Central East (from October 8 (1)), Regina (from October 11 (1), October 12 (3)), South Central (from October 12 (1)), and South East (from October 12 (1)) zones
Twenty two (22) non-SK residents were removed from North West (from September 18 (1)), and pending locations (from September 3 (1), September 5 (2), September 6 (7), September 7 (2), September 9 (1), September 14 (1), September 15 (1), September 19 (2), September 20 (1), September 21 (2), and September 22 (1))
73,350 cases are confirmed
-17,935 cases are from the North area (7,922 North West, 7,345 North Central, 2,668 North East)
-17,700 cases are from the Saskatoon area
-14,512 cases are from the Regina area
-8,861 cases are from the South area (2,000 South West, 2,718 South Central, 4,143 South East)
-8,760 cases are from the Far North area (4,102 Far North West, 541 Far North Central, 4,117 Far North East)
-4,955 cases are from the Central area (1,325 Central West, 3,630 Central East)
-627 cases have pending residence information
-4,294 cases are considered active and 68,287 cases are considered recovered
More than one-quarter (29.2 per cent) of new cases are in the age category of 20 to 39
More than one-quarter (27.0 per cent) of new cases eligible for vaccination (aged 12 years and older) were fully vaccinated
As of October 14, a total of 335 individuals are hospitalized, including 260 inpatient hospitalizations and 75 ICU hospitalizations. Of the 335 patients, 251 (74.9 per cent) were not fully vaccinated.
Five (5) new deaths reported today. 769 Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died, with a case fatality rate of 1.0 per cent.
1,183,449 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province. As of October 12, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers are available from PHAC, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 997,429 tests performed per million. The national rate of 1,174,624 tests performed per million.
The 7-day average of new COVID-19 case numbers was 418 (34.7 new cases per 100,000)